


PlanckFollowup » History » Version 17

Shantanu Desai, 08/20/2013 01:40 PM

1 1 Joseph Mohr
h1. Followup of Planck Clusters
2 1 Joseph Mohr
3 1 Joseph Mohr
We are working with Ben Hoyle, Tomasso and Jochen on PS1 followup of Planck clusters.
4 1 Joseph Mohr
5 2 Joseph Mohr
Here are a couple of images that show the distribution of Planck released galaxy clusters (from Tomasso) 
6 1 Joseph Mohr
7 10 Joseph Mohr
!{width: 100pix}sky_map.jpg!
8 2 Joseph Mohr
9 2 Joseph Mohr
and the distribution of data from DES, SDSS and PS1 on the sky also in galactic coordinates (from Axel Schwope).
10 2 Joseph Mohr
11 9 Joseph Mohr
!{width: 50pix}eROSITA_Survey.jpg!
12 11 Shantanu Desai
13 11 Shantanu Desai
14 11 Shantanu Desai
h2. Preliminary results
15 11 Shantanu Desai
16 12 Shantanu Desai
These can be found on  [[preliminary results]]
17 13 Hope Head
18 13 Hope Head
19 13 Hope Head
h3. Results on Unconfirmed Clusters
20 13 Hope Head
21 13 Hope Head
Results can be found [[unconfirmed clusters]]
22 14 Hope Head
23 14 Hope Head
h4. Sample of Photometric vs. Spectroscopic (Calculated vs. Known) Redshift Values
24 17 Shantanu Desai
25 14 Hope Head
Results can be found at [[sample redshift values plot]]
26 15 Hope Head
27 16 Shantanu Desai
h3. Summer Final Results
28 15 Hope Head
29 15 Hope Head
Results can be found at [[summer final results]]
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