User documentation
Impact of Yx calibration¶
SPT2500d+Yx, full analysis¶
In the following figure, I show two different analyses of the sample.- I am using a new set of SZ priors centered on 5.38, 1.34, 0.49 (Asz, Bsz, Csz).
- GREEN contours: No Yx data (but you can still see the Yx prior).
- BLUE contours: Use 78 Yx measurements.
- Ax want to stay at its low value, and pushes Asz to high values.
- This looks very similar to what Tijmen is reporting https://spt.uchicago.edu/trac/wiki/ClusterCosmology2500d_3.
- You can download the pdf if you want to actually see something 2500d_Yx.pdf
SPT2500d+Yx, mass calibration only¶
In this analysis, I turn off the cluster abundance experiment, in order to isolate the impact of the Yx calibration.- Asz is still very high.
- Ax now is closer to its prior (prior: 6.73 +/- 1.1)
- Omega_m looks very wrong. Remember that this constraint comes from the angular diameter distance involved in the Yx profile fitting, and the redshift dependence of the scaling relations.
- You can download the pdf in order to be able to see anything 2500d_Yxcalib.pdf